
Become a contributor or a sponsor. Your generosity and continued support will make it possible to grant wishes that put smiles on children’s faces. We thank you all!

Jason’s Dreams for Kids, Inc. couldn’t exist without the efforts of our many volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact us today!

If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child who may be eligible to receive a wish, please contact us at Your information will be processed and you will be contacted shortly thereafter.



Thank you for coming to my page and donating to Jason’s Dreams for Kids. As you may or may not know, I’ll be running my first half marathon on November 14th. I want my run to mean more than just me trying to complete my first competitive run and because of that, I’m extremely excited that Dennis is allowing me to do this. 

Your donations will be going directly to kids with life-threatening illnesses and their families. The money will be devoted to granting wishes that the kids have. If we can make one person smile and have a unforgettable day, this whole thing is a success. 

The marathon is 13 miles. You can donate per mile or just a flat amount. Any donation will help and is incredibly important. I urge you to please share this link with your own networks – the more exposure, the more wishes we can grant.

Thank you all for your support,


PS: On PayPal, please add your name when prompted

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